Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Home Based Businesses, do they work?

To answer the headline’s question, yes and no. What kind of answer is that? There are several factors that go into a successful home based business. Understand that you are fighting the odds, over 90% of businesses fail in their first year. So how can your business be part of that less than 10% success rate? Four things:

1. Hard Work
2. Training, mentoring
3. Great marketing and selling systems
4. Capitol

Hard work. There is nothing that replaces doing the job. Most business opportunities talk about a life style next to none, work just a few hours a week, when you want, in your pajamas and you will be driving an expensive sports, or luxury car and live in a 4,000 + square foot home. Remember that is a dream they are selling, not the real deal.

True you can set your own hours. But you must discipline yourself to work during those work hours. You should also dress up to go to work and have a place set aside in your home to work from, and not from the sofa or easy chair, but up to the table or at a desk. That would put your mind in the right mind set, you are working.

Training and mentoring – someone who has been there before can make a good guide. A mentor answers questions and helps to get through all the pitfalls that can defeat your business before it begins. Training is also important. Training on anything that helps make you better at what you are doing can help. Internet, word processing, web building, blogging, etc.

Marketing and selling systems. Your product or service will do no one any good if you can not get the word out to the people who need it.

Capitol. Starting with little or no capital is tough, but it can be done. Review and research any business opportunity and make sure the claims are true.

I’ve started with a program that does all the above, trains and mentors, has a great marketing and selling system, and you can start with little to no capital, however if you invest more the better your chance of succeeding will be.

Visit http://deansturnkey.cjb.net/for my turnkey business opportunities. It provides everything discussed. Check it out today.

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