Friday, September 19, 2008

Home Business Wanted, But Not Network Marketing

People who want to start a Home Business are looking for more control of their life, and to achieve financial freedom, as millions people are doing. There is too much uncertainty in our lives today, and the only way to change this is to become our own boss. It's never too late!!

There are many ways to make money from home. However, they are not all equal. Depending on your background, and skill level, picking the right home business for you will determine how successful you'll be. Success comes from learning and sharing. There are several successful business people who are willing to help you, like Mike Klingler, Julie Salgado, Debra Morrison, Lisa Diane, and me. You just need to learn how to find them.

So you want to make money from home, but Network Marketing doesn't appeal to you. You're not interested in talking to a lot of people, and going to meetings. You don't want to learn how to become a great Leader, and recruit people into your business. So what can you do to make money from home?

There are several ways to build a Home Business, but it all takes some form of marketing, except the type where you are handling rebates for a company, processing insurance, or other forms of clerical work. But these are more like a job, since you don't build any residual income, and when you don't work there is no income.

There are Affiliate Programs where you promote other peoples products through your website, which requires you to advertise on the internet, and other media. Even though an Affiliate Program is the easiest to get into, with no risk, you still need to learn how to market, and draw people to your website. You don't need to recruit others, but you'll want to have others join your program, so you earn a referral fee. You can get marketing training from Mike Klingler's Renegade University program.

So how can a person make money from Home, if they don't want to be a Network Marketer? The Internet offers great opportunities...

1) You can write a book about a subject you have some knowledge of, and a passion for, such as Landscaping, Cooking, Pet Care, and other topics. But you need to be sure you are writing about a subject people need, not want. You need to research the Internet to see what's being promoted, so you'll be able to sell your eBook. That takes time, so you won't be generating any income for awhile.

So while you are working on your book, you'll want to join an Affiliate Program to generate an income, and gain experience.

2) Look for an Affiliate program that has a step by step training program, where you are promoting eBooks, and CDs that Network Marketers, and other Home business owners need. I think Michael Cheney's Affiliate Millions has one of the better programs. He takes you step by step, so you can make money right away. And has a great support program to help you if you have any problems. You can also use ClickBank. Below you'll find the link to the site.

3) If you want to work towards becoming a millionaire you want a program offered by a multimillionaire who knows how, and will show you how to become a millionaire, such as Lisa Diane's Millionaires Training Course. The website link is available at the bottom of this article.

You have read and heard the HYPE on becoming a millionaire, with this program, or that one, and want to know the TRUE STORY...

Well the story is there are a lot of people making one million dollars a year, or more on the Internet, and in Network Marketing. But there are more making less than $500 per month, which is fine if you just want some extra money each month. That would call it a hobby, not a serious business.

What's the difference? Well it starts with selecting the opportunity that's right for you, not just the right opportunity. There are a lot of opportunities, but which one is right for you is an important question. It starts with what you want to accomplish, and then understanding the business you select. You should join one that will be there all the way to help you reach your goal.

People who make one million a year or more, within two years are not new to Internet or Network Marketing. They have a track record of success, and have been big money earners in their current or past business. They know what to do to duplicate their success.

So whether you are a seasoned Internet or Network Marketer, you need to learn the method that will bring you the same result as the millionaires.

I'll be posting additional information on my blog designed to help you be successful in whatever business you are in or select to join. So bookmark the website below. If you would like to receive my Free Monthly Newsletter, email me at with MTC in the subject.

Meanwhile, don't forget to get your free CD "Million Dollars Desire" from Lisa Diane.

If you wish a free 20 minute consultation, email me and we'll arrange a time to talk.

Until next time... "Dream Big & Do"

Rallie Rallis is a home business coach assisting Internet & Network Marketers in using the latest attraction marketing methods to generate endless supply of leads on the internet. He coaches on Affiliate Millions, and Training to become a Millionaire

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